пятница, 10 февраля 2017 г.



Real Name: Rasul Joakim Mitchell

Motto: "I fight for the bright and illustrious future. Join up!"

Origin: Visitor

Source: Science!

Fighting Fa [40]+
Agility Wc [30]
Strength G t[20]-
Endurance Gt [20]-
Reason As [50]++
Intuition Wc [30]
Psyche Gt [20]-


Telepathy Gt [20] (FlexiBility: Mind Probe, Limitations: Obvious, Exhausting; Kind of a weird beast, even for Epsilon himself, it's a super science)

Ability Boost Gt [20] (FlexiBility: Extra Ability: Strength, Agility, Reason; Limitation: Exclusive, Requires Time and Energy to Recharge)

Wizardry As [50]++ (Gadgetry; if it could be theoreticaly built in 40s-50s, given components and blueprints, Epsilon can build it in a minimal time)

Interface Gt [20] (He can interface any computer machines. The problem is that there are so few and most of them are stone age work, anyway)

Precognition Gt [20] (A form of advanced societal/historical hindsight knowledge and extrapolation, rather than a prediction; Global Scale Only)

Super Senses (Infravision, Radio Communication, Time Sense, Microscopic Vision, Intiution Feats: Vision) Gt [20/5 Ranks] (Touch/Space Limitation: Same as with burrowing - if you can and do touch it with your dust cloud - you can feel/see it)


Rasul Joakim Mitchell had traveled back in time from the grim 2020s to prevent a certain person from raising to power and save the future. Yet in the fit of cosmic irony, this very time travel changed future and the past both, so he had found himself in a universe with superhumans, but no arch-nemesis to slay. Ever optimistic, he decided to try himself at philanthropy. The results are... mixed.

Twenty five year old man of mixed ancestry, dressed like a typical early 90's punk-rocker, with guns and caсhe of volatile tech wasn't your typical mad scientist.

But for the natives of 1945 he were quite odd. Between his super-human intelligence, ADHD, radical anarcho-communist stance, ultra-tech augmentations, MacGyvering skills  (Nobody even knew who MacGyver is!), cryptic pop-cultural references and solid grip on historical dynamics (with sole exception for superhumans...) make him Scientist Weird enough for everyone, who had a (dis)pleasure of dealing with him. Alan Turing described Rasul as "part-man, part-enigma, and let's leave it at that".

Not exactly falling under definition of hero/villain dynamics, Epsilon is what you can call a "rogue". A criminal and a wild card, who nonetheless swears, that all that his doing is a part of a "Master Plan" to make a better future, even at the cost of short-term chaos and cutting corners with "corrupt governments". Many law and intelligence agencies tried to catch him, but he always managed to escape. Some tried to help him and left uncertain, whether they did the right thing in the end.

The greatest weakness of Epsilon's "Master Plan" is that he has, in fact, too many of them - along with half-baked conspiracy theories and ideas. Epsilon is more of a weird counter-culture visionary, playing Frankenstein with humanity, rather than a legitimate scientist. Still, some of that brilliance shines through.

His powers are numerous, but narrow and circumstantial, when they work at all. Telepathy, Cybernetic Implants, Junk-made Gadgets, Computer Interfacing, Precognition and Super Senses. Yet he manages to utilize all of them with uncanny precision. Not a Steve Jobs/Elon Musk material, though, as most of his inventions are too cryptic and borderline broken for anyone to make use of. Or not?..

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